Monday, January 6, 2014

The Search for the Perfect Office

More and more of us work in open plan offices, which can be noisy and lead to strife between those staff who are tidy and their neighbours who like to leave papers and dirty plates on their desks and between those who are quiet and their colleagues who talk loudly on the phone.

Claudia Hammond explores what the perfect office would look like if the latest psychological research was applied. She discovers that it is possible to work in open plan spaces and be able to concentrate, be creative and communicate well with colleagues. And she asks why many architects aren't aware of the research of psychologists or ignore it. You can listen to it through this link.

As you listen notice the use of the following phrases. What is the overall conclusion of what people value in the workplace?

The Search for the Perfect Office
A vast desk for my mess
Retractable roof and windows
Pretty grim to work in
Bundled up in the other side of the office
Open plan is the way forward
Non-territorial office spaces
Hot desks where the early birds get the best desks
Efficiency diminishes by about 10-20%
This very subject; organizational psychology
Employers are often under enormous pressure to make offices cheaper
A false economy
Lack of privacy
Sitting in close proximity to others
It’s not conducive to being able to concentrate
Supervisors are less willing to give feedback
Architects favour certain kinds of materials
It gets a little bit jumbled in the middle
Interference from that sound doesn’t diminish
If you happen to sit next to someone with a loud telephone voice
If you have a pin quiet office it is absolutely intimidating
What people use for masking sound is pink noise
One size does not fit all
The more wacky offices
Move from individual to open plan offices
Rules: no bins, no pictures on the walls, plants in drawers
Hot desking
A free for all
No space personalizing
No personal effects
Personalizing space helps people cope with stress
Owner occupied offices or speculative developers
You have to future gaze
Acoustics is a rather difficult science
Activity based working
National Association of Pension Funds
It was masterminded by Alex…

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